Sunday, March 8, 2009


i just want to say that God has blessed me so much lately. if you dont know, i am now a student pastor at church 29:11. check us out at or on twitter at

these past few months God has shown me how great he really is. i have been telling my kids a lot lately about how Jesus Christ is the only hope this world has and that he is here for all of us if we just reach out for him. i have challenged them to be the reach in their schools/community. i believe we should all be the reach for everyone around us. they may be wanting to reach out to Christ but need some type of help to get there.

im out for tonight. this has been my first blog in months.


Monday, February 9, 2009


today has been a great day. i have been listening to brave saint saturn a lot today, and i have never felt the presence of God so strong before in my life. here are the lyrics of the song that moved me...

take this broken heart if it brings you praise
take this beaten soul shivering hands i will raise
hope unstoppable sing the morning song
wake up oh sleeper the daylight is coming
you are you are invincible
you are you are unbreakable

i am just one person in this world that God has created. God...the creater of the universe, the lover of all...God, wants to use me. a guy from alabama that fails all the time wants to use me. this truly amazes me and makes me smile every day.

i just wanted to share this because it gives me hope that i am doing things for God. maybe in my head i thought it will give you hope, and i believe it will. he will take your broken heart and beaten soul and love you all the more.


Sunday, February 8, 2009


so you may be wondering why i have a second blog (blog 1) and what the heck is gershom? well let me answer these two questions. i started this blog because i wanted to post more spiritual things but did not want to use my other blog for that. secondly...

exodus 2:22
Zipporah gave birth to a son, and Moses named him Gershom, saying, "I have become an alien in a foreign land"

God has not called us to this earth to be just like everyone else. A while back brent spoke on this and it has stuck with me since. so i am doing something about it and being an alien in this place we call home. i challenge you to join me and be a glimpse of light in this dark world.
